Using Ubuntu absolves the user of personal responsibility?
Alexander Skwar
listen at
Thu Aug 3 15:52:17 UTC 2006
· Alexander Skwar <listen at>:
> reiserfs file system. Also, there's no reason to explicitly mention
> that a plain file can be mounted as well, as everything is just
> a file on Unix systems.
Well, but the man page explicitly mentions, that plain files can be mounted:
One further possible type is a mount via the loop device. For example,
the command
mount /tmp/fdimage /mnt -t msdos -o loop=/dev/loop3,blocksize=1024
will set up the loop device /dev/loop3 to correspond to the file
/tmp/fdimage, and then mount this device on /mnt.
"to correspond to the file /tmp/fdimage".
It goes on to say:
If no explicit loop device is mentioned (but just an option ‘-o loop’
is given), then mount will try to find some unused loop device and use
This shows, that normal files can be mounted as well, like so:
mount /tmp/fdimage /mnt -t msdos -o loop,blocksize=1024
",blocksize=1024" isn't mandatory, but the man page doesn't say this in the
"THE LOOP DEVICE" section.
Alexander Skwar
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