Using Ubuntu absolves the user of personal responsibility?

Jyrki Pulliainen jyrki.pulliainen at
Thu Aug 3 15:09:51 UTC 2006

On 8/3/06, Alexander Skwar <listen at> wrote:
> Derek Broughton <news at>:
> > Todd Slater wrote:
> >
> >> I read, with some sadness, the thread on mounting an ISO as a virtual
> >> cd-rom. It appears that pointing someone to a web search or man page
> >> is no longer considered a helpful response.
> >
> > imo it was the phrase:
> >
> >> And you're telling us, that ALL of Google didn't have anything
> >> wrt. this?
> So?

Sentences with that kind of tone are never helpful. You get the
picture that whoever posted that one thinks the person asking the
original question is a helpless newbie not capable of searching stuff
from google.

> > The actual reference given _was_ helpful, but how can anyone expect a newbie
> > to understand that mounting an ISO requires a search for "loop"?
> I don't expect that. That's why a wrote what to search for in the
> man page. On google, "mount a ISO file Linux" has the command
> in the *FIRST* hit. Proof:
> (Okay, that page is in German. The 3rd hit is in english. Or
> use
> where the first hit also gives the command.)
> Now, where did this require knowing anything about "loop"?

Nowhere, but it requires the knowing of 'mount'. As you can see from
the original post, the topic isn't like "how to mount iso" but more
about the fact, that the user wants to create a virtual cd-rom from
iso file in linux. Searching 'iso file linux virtual cd-rom' doesn't
give you so promising results.

And yes, I'm aware of the fact that the post itself talks about mount
but you cannot take it as a solid fact that the user has used the
correct words at the search or, in all the other cases, hasn't
searched at all.

And by the way, the 'man mount' talks about the loop, but doesn't
really tell you that you should use iso9660 file system type with .iso

I agree with the method #3 combined with #2, so that the user gets
what he or she  wants while getting an explanation why is he writing
that command.

Jyrki // jyrki.pulliainen at

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