Using Ubuntu absolves the user of personal responsibility?
Gilles Gravier
Gilles at
Thu Aug 3 13:37:34 UTC 2006
Alexander, appart from the "you moron" addition, whcih I don't really
remember as being in the post Michael refers to, the answer #1 was texto
what you said.
Not being home, I can't find the archived mail, but I am sure one here can.
Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Michael T. Richter <ttmrichter at>:
>> On Thu, 2006-03-08 at 09:17 -0400, Todd Slater wrote:
>>> I read, with some sadness, the thread on mounting an ISO as a virtual
>>> cd-rom. It appears that pointing someone to a web search or man page
>>> is no longer considered a helpful response. Instead, we must reinvent
>>> the wheel any time a basic question--with more than sufficient
>>> documentation available--is asked. However, I don't think that the
>>> whole Ubuntu humanity thing should be about spoon feeding, but rather
>>> developing competent, self-efficacious users.
>>> When we absolve people of personal responsibility, we often create a
>>> situation of dependence. As shining examples of this, we might look
>>> at the "health" care, social welfare, and educational systems of the
>>> United States.
>>> The notion that it's not acceptable to help people to help themselves
>>> is really ironic when you consider the African roots of Ubuntu.
>>> My $0.02.
>> That's not the issue.
> Yes, it is.
>> The issue is how should this pointing be
>> presented. Some people -- well, one person in particular -- believes in
>> short, terse almost mocking responses.
> Who?
>> Others believe in helpful
>> responses. Compare and contrast:
>> Approach #1: Google on "mount" and "ISO" you moron!
> Who did that?
>> Approach #2: "mount -t iso9660 -o loop <file>"
> That's a *VERY* bad approach, as has been explained before.
>> Approach #3: "Go take a quick look at "man mount" and look at the -t and
>> -o options, paying attention specifically to the iso9660 type and the
>> loop option."
> That's more or less what I did.
>> Which of the three is most immediately helpful to the end-user?
> #3
>> Which of the three is most long-term helpful to the end-user?
> #1
>> Which of the three leaves the end-user with the impression that the
>> community consists of troglodytes?
> #2
> Alexander Skwar
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