Using Ubuntu absolves the user of personal responsibility?

Todd Slater dontodd at
Thu Aug 3 13:17:52 UTC 2006

I read, with some sadness, the thread on mounting an ISO as a virtual
cd-rom. It appears that pointing someone to a web search or man page
is no longer considered a helpful response. Instead, we must reinvent
the wheel any time a basic question--with more than sufficient
documentation available--is asked. However, I don't think that the
whole Ubuntu humanity thing should be about spoon feeding, but rather
developing competent, self-efficacious users.

When we absolve people of personal responsibility, we often create a
situation of dependence.  As shining examples of this, we might look
at the "health" care, social welfare, and educational systems of the
United States.

The notion that it's not acceptable to help people to help themselves
is really ironic when you consider the African roots of Ubuntu.

My $0.02.


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