Long boot delay "Mounting Root Filesystem"

Alf-Ivar Holm alfh at student.matnat.uio.no
Wed Aug 2 11:04:44 UTC 2006

Alf-Ivar Holm <alfh at student.matnat.uio.no> writes:

> I have similar problems with my Fujitsu Siemens S7020D with a
> linux-686 (non-SMP) kernel, 

My bad - the non-SMP kernel doesn't exist - the 686 kernel is both UP
and SMP.

> One from the hip though: you could try with the non-SMP version, and
> see if that narrows it down to a SMP problem or a 686 problem.

So skip this recommendation.

The rest of the errors in the previous mail are (mostly) due to sloppy


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