feature request - pre installation tool ...

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 2 01:29:35 UTC 2006

In the Great Book it has Been Written that on Tue, 1 Aug 2006 15:09:31
-0500 "Christofer C. Bell" <christofer.c.bell at gmail.com> didst appear
within my Magick Viewing Screen and, being somewhat pleasantly
supplicatory, did polemicize thusly:

> Regardless of the merits of this idea, I don't feel that Canonical
> should have any involvement with it.  First off, this is a Windows
> specific piece of software you're asking for, ignoring the other
> non-Windows hardware platforms that Ubuntu runs on.  Secondly, you're
> asking Canonical to get into the business of Windows software
> development when they're currently in the business of Linux.
> That being said, if some third party wants to create something that
> does as you suggest then that'd be a great thing.  I don't think it's
> something that Ubuntu or Canonical should have anything to do with.

OTOH, it seems like just the thing for helping to resolve bug #1.

Cybe R. Wizard
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