Weird desktop problem; workspaces switcher loses icons

Janne Jokitalo janne.jokitalo at
Tue Aug 1 19:24:47 UTC 2006

Hello list,

I noticed a weird thing just recently, cannot tell exactly when this has
began happening since for all I know it might have been there for ages
without me noticing the whole deal (I'm trying to say I don't know whether
an update broke it).

The thing is, I have this regular four workspaces switcher at the bottom
right on my desktop, right next to the trash bin icon. Well, after a boot
the switcher shows icons of applications that are maximized. But give it a
little while (haven't found any certain period of time for it) and the icons
disappear, and the switcher only shows blanks, though it works in a way that
it shows the correct miniatures when there are several windows open, or just
one big blank when one window is maximized.

I'm attaching a picture of the aforementioned situation, which is right now
(well a few minutes ago). :) For the record and to cool off the people who
are on dial-up, the picture is only 1.4 kB. :)

Does anyone have any idea what's causing this situation, and does it happen
to anyone else? I tried to google and to browse thru documentation, but I
either might have searched with incorrect terms or else it's not documented.

Thanks in advance for any hints that could point to the right direction!

Kind regards,


Janne Jokitalo
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