change mtu

Steen "Miravlix" Poulsen dragon at
Tue Aug 1 16:57:30 UTC 2006

tir, 01 08 2006 kl. 12:45 -0400, skrev ubuntu at
> Out of curisosity, how is it network hostile?  I haven't looked at it
> myself, but I mean, as I understand it, an "http get" is an "http
> get"... how is it hostile?

Running Fasterfox is kinda like every time you go to a web site, you
also start a recursive wget on it.

So the WebAdmin has to decide if you using insane amount of his
resources is worth having you as a user.

Fasterfox also violates RFC reconmendation for good behavior.

Kinda like visiting someone and emptying the fridge drinking all the
beer and taking there car for a spin, your taking liberties with the
service beyond what a friendly invitation implies.

Just because something is possible, does not mean it doesn't harm others
that you do it.

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