Wireless adapter

Scott J. Henson scotth at csee.wvu.edu
Tue Aug 1 02:18:08 UTC 2006

Olaf Stein wrote:
> Hey All
> Can anyone recommend any wireless PCI cards (802.11g) that run under
> debian/ubuntu (ideally with an opensource driver).
> I am not to familiar with WLAN with linux (so far it either worked or it
> didn't and I never fixed it). Is there anything else I should pay attention
> too (e.g. that the card has an Prism chip or so).

>From the mouth of zealots:

I personally have a cheapy linksys (I believe, it may be a
dlink) with an atheros chipset in it.  Ive never had
problems with atheros cards, but if your looking for fully
open source, the above list is a good start. A list of those
can be found:

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