CUPs failed to start

gerhard ggrubbish at
Sun Apr 30 12:33:33 UTC 2006

Am Sonntag, 30. April 2006 00:04 schrieb Wade Smart:
> 04292006 1703 GMT-6
>  lsof |grep cups
> lsof: WARNING: can't stat() ext3 file system /dev/.static/dev
>       Output information may be incomplete.
> python    7426      hplip  mem       REG        3,2  112288    
> 774678 /usr/lib/
> python    7426      hplip  mem       REG        3,2   14976   
> 2550928 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
> smbd      7934       root  mem       REG        3,2  112288    
> 774678 /usr/lib/
> smbd      7952       root  mem       REG        3,2  112288    
> 774678 /usr/lib/

> >>E [29/Apr/2006:16:39:14 -0500] StartListening: Unable to bind
> >> socket for address c0a80002:631 - Cannot assign requested address.
> >can you provide the output of :
> >netstat -tan|grep 631
I get this:
$ netstat -tan|grep 631
tcp        0      0 *               
Yoiu wrote, that nothing happens, that questions me if you got cupsd 
running, I doubt that.

Please the output of post 
ps axu|grep cups

If there only shows up a line with grep in it, your cupsd did not start 

Try then 
sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys start
and directly after that
sudo dmesg|tail
sudo tail -n40 /var/log/cups/error_log

Please post only relevant output related to cups and delete lines which 
appears twice and replace with [...]



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