difference with breezy and dapper

Chanchao custom at freenet.de
Sun Apr 30 11:29:57 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-04-30 at 18:05 +1200, Brendon wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 10:37:21 +0530, you wrote:
> hey there  what is the major differences between breezy and dapper
> i am going to upgrade but is there any major differances between the to.

I'm sure there's a detailed list if you Google around the Ubuntu sites.
But as a VERY superficial and subjective personal opinion, I can
highlight the following:

* Much improved overall speed 
* Latest Gnome version, searching files much better, includes the
brilliant 'Deskbar' ("Search everything" applet)
* Handles removable media, USB sticks, mounting/unmounting stuff very
very well.
* Awesome new theme & new looks for screen gadgets, icons, etc.
* New Live CD that allows installation straight from the live CD. This
makes for a MUCH simpler and MUCH faster install. Also the Live CD can
be used 'persistent' with files and settings on a USB thumbdrive.
* Updated versions of all kinds of packages, though I guess many of
these would be available from backports as well.

If you're already using Ubuntu and you've waited up to now to upgrade
then I guess you might as well wait another 4 weeks for the final
release of Dapper.   But for desktop users who are using distro or
another OS and want to have a look at Ubuntu, I'd recommend Dapper.  For
server installs that can't wait 4 weeks I'd recommend Breezy I guess
until Dapper actually released.


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