Resizing an NTFS partition........

Chanchao custom at
Sun Apr 30 11:17:56 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 21:12 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> > I couldn't believe it.. For an operating system that doesn't allow
> > you to save a simple file to an NTFS drive "because it's not open &
> > free but patented by evil MS who doesn't release the
> > specifications, boo hoo hoo hoo, so we can not be
> > 100000000000000000000000% sure that it would work so we're not
> > doing it at all, so there. snif.".
> It's not like that at all and you are misrepresenting the reality. 

I stand corrected. :)  In any case I was very happy that resizing just
worked, especially since I once completely messed up the same drive
doing that with PartitionMagic. Had to reinstall Windows that time. :(
But the tool provided with Dapper Live did it perfectly.

> So next time you want to disparage the efforts of the ntfs driver 
> team, grant them the courtesy of not considering them a bunch of 
> crying children, OK?

I'm completely not disparaging anyone's work!! I did have the feeling
that most Linux distributions are very (overly?) cautious with not
allowing writing to ntfs partititions, but you just explained very well
that it's not that straightforward at all. (Thanks for that!)

> You can read what Hans Reiser has to say about NTFS at 
> if you want to know a little more

VERY interesting site, thank you very much!


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