SCIM change makes user upset

Shu Hung (Koala) koalay at
Sat Apr 29 04:59:18 UTC 2006

I'm a Chinese linux user and have used SCIM as my Chinese input method for
a more than a year. I updated with dapper development weekly and a month
or 2 ago, I found SCIM removed a useful feature.

As you may know, Chinese input method usually done by typing in a set of
composition code for every character input so the input method can sort out
the character I want within serveral 10,000.

Before the change, I can use the key '*' within the set and SCIM will try
'any one
or more than one' code for that '*'. For example, if I type 'j*i' and SCIM
will show
me a list of characters with 'jqhi' and etc that matches. It is highly
useful since
quite frequently people do forget some part of code sets.

However, after the change, SCIM does not receive any '*' input anymore.

I'm not quite sure if it is a change of SCIM or other components in ubuntu,
this change really upset me and, I believe, many other SCIM users.

Is there anybody who is kind enough to check it out?

Koala Yeung
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