Peugeot website broken with Firefox?

Adriano Varoli Piazza moranar at
Fri Apr 28 14:28:58 UTC 2006

2006/4/28, Benjamin Zeller <zeller at>:
> Doesn't work on Hoary Firefox either. But I'd rather contact the webdesigner
> of than the firefox developers. Webdesigners should design their
> pages with some more accuracy and if they don't do so, this behaviour should
> be remarked over and over again until they decide to write code, that does'nt
> only work with a certain kind or type of browser.
> Just my 50 Cents...

So would I, but since Firefox developers chose to add a very button to
do just this (signal broken sites to them), I decided to use it. I
figure they'd have more clout than just a single person.

Adriano Varoli Piazza
The Inside Out:
ICQ: 4410132
MSN: moranar at

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