off topic
Stephen R Laniel
steve at
Thu Apr 27 20:25:33 UTC 2006
On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 06:34:56AM +1000, Peter Garrett wrote:
> You'll notice I snipped the rest of your post, since I'm sure you wouldn't
> want anyone to have to read your further comments on Microsoft etc ;-)
Indeed. But please just notice how often the subject of
Microsoft comes up on here, and how pointlessly. And how
reflexively everyone responds to it.
Quick anecdote: I was in the campus movie theatre at
Carnegie Mellon back in probably '98 or so, watching
"Devil's Advocate" (Keanu Reeves/Al Pacino garbage), and
there comes a point where Reevese suddenly realizes that
Pacino is the Devil (approximately 1.5 hours into the movie,
2 hours after the audience realized this fact). Reeves said,
"You're the Devil!" and a dude down the row from me yelled,
"No, he's Bill Gates!"
That's basically where we've been stuck for years. It's
childish, and I just wish we'd stop. We have better things
to do.
Stephen R. Laniel
steve at
Cell: +(617) 308-5571
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