Where are network shares mounted in the filesystem?

Niran Babalola niran at niran.org
Thu Apr 27 02:55:10 UTC 2006

On 4/26/06, Chanchao <custom at freenet.de> wrote:
> Suppose I right-click a link to a file in Firefox and want to save it to
> a network share..  How do you do that?  The shared folders don't appear,
> but are they mounted somewhere in the filesystem so I can access the
> place?

They are not mounted. These are just bookmarks that use gnome-vfs to
connect to the shares. To have the bookmarks show up in the file
chooser in an application, the application has to use gnome-vfs
explicitly. This is why they show up in some programs, like gedit, but
not in others.

If you want to actually mount network shares in the filesystem, you
should look into FUSE.

Niran Babalola

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