Workspace auto-switching...

David Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Wed Apr 26 19:54:47 UTC 2006

	Speaking of workspaces...

	In an older version of RedHat (6 I think...) You could have, say, 4 
desktops arranged in a 2x2 square pattern. Then you had the option of 
automatically flipping to a particular workspace just by moving the 
cursor all the way to the edge of the screen.
	Say you were in workspace 1, and wanted to get to 2. You'd just move 
your cursor to the right edge, and keep "pushing" until it flipped to 2. 
Then go to 4 by "pushing" on the bottom edge of workspace 2.

	Anyone remember that?

	I've poked around, and could find were to enable that. Anyone have any 
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes

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