Change Directory with two dots (cd..)

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Wed Apr 26 10:58:13 UTC 2006

Francisco Borges wrote:
>>alias cd..='cd ..'
> Get serious:
> alias ..="cd .."
> alias ...="cd ../.."
> alias ....="cd ../../.."
> alias .....="cd ../../../.."
> ;-)

I've done that, except I use commas. It's marginally easier (one less 
keystroke and uses a stronger finger) and doesn't present problems with 
the path ../

alias ,='cd ..'
alias ,,='cd ../..'
alias ,,,='cd ../../..'
alias ,,,,='cd ../../../..'
alias ,,,,,='cd ../../../../..'
alias ,,,,,,='cd ../../../../../..'
alias ,,,,,,,='cd ../../../../.././..'
alias ,,,,,,,,='cd ../../../../../.././..'
alias ,,,,,,,,,='cd ../../../../../../.././..'
alias ,,,,,,,,,,='cd ../../../../../../../.././..'

You know what would be cool? If you could define recursive aliases:

alias ,='cd ..'
alias ,,='cd ..; ,'

That would rock!

    /\/_/   A life? Sounds great!
    \/_/    Do you know where I could download one?

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