wine without ntfs

albi albi at
Tue Apr 25 10:30:30 UTC 2006

Avraham Hanadari wrote:

> I found and installed wine. It's not quite what I expected after so many
> years of development, but it does work ... sort of. When I was on the
> Windows side, I copied a couple of non-dll programs to a fat32
> partition, and later accessed them from Ubuntu to try out wine. I can't
> access the Program Files repository of all my Windows programs, so I'm
> very limited in what I can try with wine. Either I must find some way of
> accessing the NTFS partition, reformat it to fat32, or discover that
> there is another way to use wine. I thought I'd read somewhere that one
> need not have the Windows program installed to use it through wine.

with wine you can choose to set up a fake windows-directory in your
home-dir or to access your windows-partition directly

you can use the setup-program from the package "winesetuptk" (which i
like) to configure wine, although the wine-package has a setup-tool
called winecfg included

by default you can only mount NTFS-partitions read-only in linux, you
will have to install/configure extra software to mount it read-write

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump | gpg --import

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