upgrade or clean installation?

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Sun Apr 23 12:51:30 UTC 2006

I plan to do an upgrade. You shouldn't have to worry about "accumulated 
junk". The package manager should take care of anything that you've 
installed or removed.


Avraham Hanadari wrote:
> Dapper Drake will soon be making its appearance. I know there are ways 
> to upgrade the OS, but I just installed the Kubuntu desk top on Ubuntu, 
> and I think I prefer it. In addition to that, I've been doing a lot of 
> learning and experimentation. I'm concerned about accumulated junk 
> causing operational problems. In short, would it be better to make a 
> clean installation when the time comes?
> Thanks in advance,
> Avraham

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