Question about dual monitors

Jean Hollis Weber jean-ooo at
Sun Apr 23 09:39:39 UTC 2006

Anders Karlsson wrote:
> Just remember that the "Identifier" statement is just that, a *unique*
> Identifier. If you label both devices with the same Identifier, you will
> run in to problems even if you tell one to be Screen 0 and the other
> Screen 1.

Ah! I had missed that. Thanks. I've changed them now to be unique 
and tried it again, with the same results: no crash, but no dual 
screen either.

> Also, if you rename an entry, i.e. change the Identifier, you need to
> look through the xorg.conf for the other instances where it was
> referenced. In this case, you need to make sure you only change the
> relevant entries, and not all of them.

Hmmm... I'm not sure which are "relevant" entries vs non-relevant


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