US/German flags on Language support

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at
Sun Apr 23 05:24:48 UTC 2006

Karl Auer wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 11:55 +0200, Francisco Borges wrote:
>> - the use of a globe
> What side of the globe do you intend to show? And (as an Australian) I
> am very interested in *which way up it will be* :-)

A generic globe, a blue thing with green patches. And as an Australian, 
I share your interest in the globes orientation :)

>> - locale dependent icon set, if at installation you say you are at
>>   country X, then display the flag of X and the flag of any neighboring
>>   country like;
>>   US? -> US/Canada or US/Mexico
> Israel/Palestine! India/Pakistan! China/Tibet!
> There is no easy way. I suggest creating a huge set of teensy
> superimposable flaglets and letting people do their own thing :-)

I suggest not having national flags involved at all :)

> Regards, K.

Karl Goetz

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