Repartitioning for maximum efficiency

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Sat Apr 22 20:32:58 UTC 2006

Nathan Krasnopoler wrote:
> I have recently bought a 250G Seagate hard drive, this is in addition to 
> my 160G Samsung hard drive, and I would like to know the best 
> configuration of partitions between the drives for both Windows and 
> Linux.  Namely, on which drives and with what file systems to put the 
> following
>  1. Linux Operating system files
>  2. Linux /home
>  3. Linux swap file
>  4. Windows OS
>  5. Windows swap file

If I were you:
Linux /      150GB of Segate
Linux /home: 100GB of Segate
Linux /var:  158GB of Samsung (to have backups on a different disk).
Linux swap:    2GB of Samsung (removes IO bottlnecks).
Windows:     Nothing

But I suspect that wasn't helpful to you. If you absolutely must have 
Windows, then try this:

Linux /      100GB of Segate
Linux /home:  80GB of Segate
Linux /var:  158GB of Samsung (to have backups on a different disk).
Linux swap:    2GB of Samsung (removes IO bottlnecks).
Windows:      70GB of Segate

>  2. A shared FAT32 directory


> What file systems and partitions should I to use, and how shall I split 
> them between the two drives?

I'm happy with ext3. You might consider using ReiserFS for / and /home 
and ext3 for /var. ReiserFS is faster, and ext3 is better tested.

    /\/_/   A life? Sounds great!
    \/_/    Do you know where I could download one?

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