Epiphany depends on Firefox?

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Fri Apr 21 08:28:32 UTC 2006

netkid91 wrote:
> Uhmm...Pardon my arrogance...But actually needing Gecko is a PERFECT
> reason to require Firefox.

No, I don't think so at all. Gecko is an HTML rederer. Firefox is a web 
browser. Those are very different beasts. Firefox is a lot bigger than 
Gecko, it has a lot more bugs, and I don't want to be updating it just 
because I use a different Gecko-based browser.

>  This is simply because the Firefox package
> includes the XPCOM components and the Gecko engine, and because
> Epiphany is dynamically linked against Gecko.

Gecko should be a separate package?

> Now, once you get off of your high-horse

Is that a personal attack? That's against the Code of Conduct.

> don't ask why, it's just the way it is.

That's a very sad attitude. If everyone else had that attitude we'd 
still be in the stone age.

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