distributions: UBUNTU vs DEBIAN

Antony Gelberg antony at wayforth.co.uk
Thu Apr 20 22:26:05 UTC 2006

Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Antony Gelberg wrote:
>>>> The p is Desired=Purge.  The n is Status=Not installed.  man dpkg 
>>>> explains.  You should get into the habit of typing man <command> if 
>>>> you aren't sure what any command does.  In this case there is a 
>>>> section headed "INFORMATION ABOUT PACKAGES".
>>> Don't be a jerk Antony. Btw, the section "INFORMATION ABOUT PACKAGES" 
>>> does not say that p is "Desired=Purge" or that n is "Status=Not 
>>> installed". Instead it explains what "purge", "install", etc mean 
>>> which I already knew and has nothing to do with the question at hand.
>> Don't call me a jerk.  I was trying to help you. 
>> http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct
> RTFM is not helping, especially when the M doesn't actually contain the 
> information required. (btw, actually I /am/ in the habit of reading man 
> pages).

Still no reason to call me a jerk.  I really can't continue a discussion 
of what you feel helps you as apparently you like to have the last word, 
so it stops here.

Anyway, I hope that you now understand what the first two columns in the 
output of dpkg -l mean.  The package is not installed on your system, so 
it was removed at some point, perhaps when you removed firefox and / or 

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