Ubuntu 5.10 on Dell X300

paullovesjam ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Apr 20 05:34:59 UTC 2006


I have a Dell PC with a intergrated graphics driver i810, my machine is
configured to use the i810 driver and displays at a resolution of
1024x768 @ 75Hz. It worked by default in fact. However there are 2
possible ways in which you could reconfigure your graphics driver. 
1. From gnome, System => Preferences => Screen resolution, this is very
limited so you may like to try...
2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Hope this helps, most distros come with a tool called -xorgconfig-
however it seems that option 2 is the Ubuntu way of doing things.

Failing that I'd be happy to send my conf file which may help?



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