switching windows manager from GNOME to IceWM

Michael V. De Palatis mdepalatis at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Apr 20 04:20:25 UTC 2006

On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 11:10:21AM +0800, toylet wrote:
> I don't boot into GUI mode, but console only and then fire up the X using
> startx.
> What should I do to make startx call icewm not gnome?

You need to edit your ~/.xinitrc file. An example is located here (
). Basically, it's just a file where you tell startx to load programs
in order. Nothing too complex.

There is also a .xsession file, and I'm not entirely clear on the
difference between the two, but the way I understand it, the .xsession
file is read by an X login manager (XDM, GDM, etc.) if you tell it to
run the "default" session, whereas startx checks for .xinitrc. I could
be way off on that, though, so don't get mad if I'm wrong.


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