Problem accessing NSLU2 via WiFi

mekonj ulist at
Wed Apr 19 08:30:22 UTC 2006

Steve Zatz Wrote: 
> I have several ethernet networked Ubuntu computers  (Breezy) accessing

> a Linksys NSLU2 (not unslung just factory standard) with its attached

> 160 GB hard drive and it all works perfectly.  However, I have an IBM

> Thinkpad T30 running an up-to-date version of Dapper trying to access

> the same NSLU2 over 802.11b and it consistently locks up and causes

> the drive to spin continuously making the drive inaccessible from the

> any computer and necessitating rebooting the NSLU2.  This lockup does

> not occur immediately but generally happens within about  one minute

> of accessing the drive via WiFi either through nautilus or using

> rhythmbox to acesss music stored on the drive.  I have googled for

> this problem to no avail.  I installed NetworkManager on the T30

> thinking that maybe it had something to do with the WiFi connection

> and that maybe NetworkManager would help and although NetworkManager

> appears to be working fine, it didn't solve the problem.  I am not

> even sure if there are log files that might provide a clue as to the

> problem so any help or suggestions would be very welcome.  (I haven't

> loaded Breezy on the T30 to see if its Dapper but I guess that's next

> if there aren't any other suggestions.)


> Steve


> -- 

> ubuntu-users mailing list

> ubuntu-users (AT) lists (DOT)



I have the same issue.  Everything works fine until I try to access the
NSLU2 over wifi, then it locks up.  I was wondering what version of the
firmware for the NSLU2 you are using (you can check by logging on to
the web interface for it) and what format the drive you are using is
(NTFS, FAT32 of EXT3)?




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