system could not boot

Mayank Garg Mayank.Garg at
Wed Apr 19 03:49:32 UTC 2006

Dear Friends


Today When I have restarted my PC I have got these error messages and
could not boot into ubuntu;


Loading please wait

mount:Mounting /dev/hda3 on /root failed:invalid Argument

mount:Mounting /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev failed: no such File or

mount:Mounting /dev on /root/dev failed : No such file or directory


Busybox v1.00........(Debian20040623-1ubuntu22)Built....

enter"help" for a list of inbuilt commands

/bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off


How Can I solve this without reinstalling Breezy

My PC is PIV 2.6 Ghz with 512mb RAM

I have tried to reduce the booting time by using sysrv-conf package as
given in a howto article "reduce the Booting time of Ubuntu"


Mayank Garg



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