Problems installing Breezy on PII/PIII machine [SOLVED]

albi albi at
Tue Apr 18 19:32:01 UTC 2006

Steve Kratz wrote:

> Stupid stick of RAM - passed memtest, but doesn't seem to run an OS
> worth a hoot.
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From:* Steve Kratz
>     *Sent:* Tuesday, April 18, 2006 11:00 AM
>     *To:* Ubuntu Help and User Discussions
>     *Subject:* Problems installing Breezy on PII/PIII machine
>     Anyone seen any situations where Breezy installs for the most part,
>     but then fails on seemingly random packages, ultimately ending in a
>     message to the extent of "too many packages failed to continue"?
>     I've tried two different motherboards, different hard drives, 3
>     different copies of "pressed" Ubuntu discs, one CDR copy, different
>     processors, and I still get the same damn error.  I'm playing around
>     with different RAM chips now, but so far have gotten the same
>     problem on two different 256mb dimms.
>     dmesg hasn't shown CD read errors or hard drive IO errors…

did you actually have any success with other RAM-modules or not ?
it could be a cooling-problem of the processor or a buggy mobo/BIOS

and can you try installing knoppix on it ?

the last few months i've seen some ubuntu-installs giving all kind of
weird errors/problems, where knoppix works fine (on 2 brand new machines
however and i've not tried other linux-distros)

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump | gpg --import

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