Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

freemti ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Tue Apr 18 14:26:22 UTC 2006

After some dabbling in RedHat & Suse a year or so ago with mixed
results. I decided to retry Linux after my XP home system staggered to
an early grave. Autopsy pointed mainly to hard drive problems, but I
was getting tired of dealing with Windo$e anyway and have finally come
to the conclusion that I just don't play the various games that tied me
to it much any more anyway.

This time around I tried Mepis for a while, looked at a couple of other
distro's before settling on Ubuntu. I am quite happy with the Gnome look
and feel as opposed to KDE (maybe I'm strange?) although I do see some
"k" apps I would like to run. (Yes I am aware I can - and do - but
there are some "gotchas" and/or extra complexity I've seen doing that)

I did have to do some work since I elected to go with the AMD64 path
and these forums have helped alot in that regard. I am eagerly awaiting
Dapper Drake's official release.

My stats are:

Ubuntu for home system - no turning back at this point

Will dual boot w/XP on my work Laptop

XP on work desktop


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