Solution for OEMs/Gnome

Josselin Mouette joss at
Mon Apr 17 09:20:58 UTC 2006

Le mardi 11 avril 2006 à 21:33 +0100, Daniel Carrera a écrit :
> Hello,
> Thanks to all who gave suggestions. One of the suggestions turns out to 
> work quite well:
> 1. Configure Gnome just the way I want it.
> 2. sudo cp ~/.g* /etc/skel
> When the user receives the new computer, he'll get all the Gnome 
> configuration autmatically. Better yet, I can do the same thing for 
>, Firefox and anything else i want to configure. That is:
> sudo cp ~/.[a-z]* /etc/skel
> I've tested this, and it works for and Firefox too.
> Once again, thank you for the help.

Such issues have already been raised and thought out, and a framework to
override GConf settings easily was developed.

Quoting /usr/share/doc/gconf2/README.Debian :

* /var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults/
  This directory contains some defaults provided by Debian, CDD or local
  packages. Packages can ship files of the form NNpackage, larger NN
  values meaning larger priorities, in /usr/share/gconf/defaults/,
  before launching update-gconf-defaults. Debian packages themselves use
  01, CDD distributions are encouraged to use values larger than 10, and
  site-specific packages can use the largest values. The purpose is for
  CDD to overwrite Debian defaults, and for site-specific packages to
  overwrite all other defaults.

I also recommend that you read the manual of dh_gconf if you plan to
ship such changes in Debian packages.

 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette at
`. `'                        joss at
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom
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