screensaver help

John Vivirito gnomefreak at
Sat Apr 15 14:31:49 UTC 2006

> On 15/04/06, John Vivirito <gnomefreak at> wrote:
>> > Is there a way to add a screensaver to ubuntu/gnome other than alot of
>> > configuring or coding?
> In addition to the (what? 50-something?) screensavers that are there default
> under /System/Preferences/Screensaver?  (Menu; not directory.)
> I assume it could be installed just like any other deb package.  Download
> and install with Synaptic, Apt-get or Aptitude.  Or if it's "foreign" download
> it, and double-click, and let Gdebi take care of it.
> Regards,
> Bjørn Ingmar Berg
> --
> Das Internet is nicht fuer gefingerclicken und giffengrabben.
> Ist easy droppenpacket der routers und overloaden der backbone
> mit der spammen und der me-tooen. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei
> das dumpkopfen! Das mausklicken sichtseeren keepen das bandwit-spewin
> hans in das pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das cursorblinken.

Thank You i will look into it and yeah its foriegn and i will see what i
can do about it.

Registered Linux User# 414246

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