Hdparm and Acoustic Management : problem

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Sat Apr 15 05:41:10 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 17:55 -0400, Noah Dain wrote:
> Just get the hitachi tools.  works on most anything.  I've used it on
> seagates, fujitsus, and toshibas.  Oddly enough, not on any hitachis
> yet tho.
> get the "feature tool"
> http://www.hitachigst.com/hdd/support/download.htm

Thanks for the link Noah.
I jus tried it... no joy. Their tool confirms, clear and loud, what
hdparm and Seagate tech support guy already said : "Acoustic Management
feature not supported on this drive" .... oh well, I tried.

Still can't beleive they sell drives without this feature, this is
madness. So I am looking for another model of quiet drive then,
suggestions anyone ? It needs to be PATA not SATA, and be 80GB in size.
I wonder : are laptop drives super silent compared to desktop drives ?
Maybe I could use a laptop drive in my desktop machine. I guess the
performance would be a little slower, but I value acoustic acoustic
confort more than seek time...


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