Making a keymap

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Fri Apr 14 12:55:46 UTC 2006

Pupeno wrote:
>>Is this for X, console, or both?
> X, I don't care much about the console (plain Dvorak is ok there; I hardly 
> ever use it nowadays).

You want to use Xmodmap.

* First make a backup of your current Xmodmap

xmodmap -pke > Xmodmap.original

* Copy it to Xmodmap.dvorak and fiddle with it. When you want to try it, 
run the command:

xmodmap Xmodmap.dvorak

* To go back to the previous keymap use 'xmodmap Xmodmap.original'. To 
make a keymap the default when the computer starts, move it to ~/.Xmodmap

* For more information:

** Type 'man xmodmap'.
** Reference keymaps:*checkout*/xc/include/keysymdef.h?rev=1.13

BTW, I currently have keymaps for English, German, Spanish and Dvorak. 
:)  Though they may not help you as they are designed for a UK keyboard.

    /\/_/   A life? Sounds great!
    \/_/    Do you know where I could download one?

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