remote administration
Soo-Hyun Choi
s.choi at
Fri Apr 14 03:26:42 UTC 2006
I've been using FreeNX quite a time, but didn't notice that I can
suspend a session and resume the session in another machine.
Could you provide how to suspend and resume the FreeNX session?
On 4/13/06, Roelof de Groot <roelof at> wrote:
> Not that I know off... I think there is one in the commercial version (see
> But the opensource (free ) version freenx is Linux only I guess.
> For windows clients you can use the client program from
> Cool about freenx is that it uses a ssh tunnel to connect through.
> So, encrypted and all!
> Also it supports resuming suspended sessions, so continue to work from
> another client computer without logging out of remote desktop from remote
> system.
> Yes, i'm very impressed by this freenx thingie, it's fast and doesn't have
> annoying refresh problems like vino has (with ati fglrx drivers and over
> internetconnection mostly).
> regards, Roelof.
> On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 21:58 +0300, voger wrote:
> Roelof de Groot wrote:
> Hi,
> I always use freenx for remote
> administration.
> It's far superior to the built in remote desktop and much
> much faster!
> See this thread for installation:
> <>
> Regards,
> Roelof.
Just curious. Is there any server version for windows
> of
> freenx?
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