Formatting a disk

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Thu Apr 13 14:56:43 UTC 2006


I did this:  dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb count=1 bs=512

I was expecting this to copy the MBR, which it probably did. But it also 
made fdisk not understand the disk:

# fdisk /dev/hdb
The number of cylinders for this disk is ... There is nothing wrong with 
that but it is larger than 1024 and could ... cause problems...

Unable to seek on /dev/hdb

So, fdisk barfs on /dev/hdb.

Does anyone have a rescue suggestion? (yes, I should have done a backup 
of hdb's MBR but I didn't). There must be a tool that can bring sanity 
to a disk with a broken MBR.

Btw, yes, fdisk did work before the dd command.

Btw, if I can't copy the MBR from one disk to another I don't see how 
I'll be able to install Ubuntu OEM images on many disks.

    /\/_/   A life? Sounds great!
    \/_/    Do you know where I could download one?

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