Disk images

Carsten Lange milkthemilk at redmilk.de
Thu Apr 13 13:09:14 UTC 2006

Am 13.04.2006, 14:23 Uhr, schrieb Daniel Carrera <daniel.carrera at zmsl.com>:

> Another issue is that fdisk is an interactive program. I'd need a  
> non-interactive counterpart so I can write a script that automates all  
> of this.
> If anyone has any ideas, please give a shout.

Use the smallest possible partition size for the source partition.

Use parted to create the same partition on the target disk.

Use partimage or dd to copy source to target.

Use parted to resize target image to bigger size.

Parted has a "never prompt"-option.

Never tried this - you are the test driver.


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