OT: Idiotic language pedantry

Francisco Borges f.borges at rug.nl
Thu Apr 13 13:08:21 UTC 2006

ยป On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 01:46PM +0100, Antony Gelberg wrote:

> Francisco Borges wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > Since there are so many here who seem to enjoy being pedantic about
> > language use, I would like to make my humble opinion about it public:
> >
> > IMHO to go over such language matters in a list such as this is not only
> > useless, it's also pretty idiotic and counter productive.
> >
> > [...]
> 1. Then why are you perpetuating the discussion?

I'm making a point about the usefulness of that discussion hoping to
avoid future ones.

> 2. Can't you use the delete key?

Yes, I can. My point is how that influences the behavior of other people
as well. As the people who then fell compelled to write: "sorry for my
english mistakes".

Your point here seems to be equivalent of: why anyone has ever to make
an netiquete remark when they can delete?

Perhaps to point out that such behavior/discussion is counter

> 3. "Friendly community", they said.  Good to see that things around here
> are not as politically-correct as they are made out to be.  ;)

If the email was friendly I don't know, but I honestly think my email
was not "unfriendly". Try reading it again:

1. I do make a strong point and use strong words ("idiotic and counter
   productive") about that *discussion*; but I'm not making any
   judgements about the *people* involved.

2. I did also write down that: "Sorry if I'm a bit on the rant side of
   life today" which IMHO helps to stress I didn't mean to be agressive
   or rude.

Best regards,

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