Cleaning with aptitude

Clive Menzies clive at
Wed Apr 12 12:56:37 UTC 2006

On (12/04/06 13:26), Pupeno wrote:
> In a recent thread it was mentioned that aptitude can know what you
> installed by hand and what was pushed as a dependency and that upon
> removing a hand-installed packages, the non-needed dependencies would be
> remove. A feature the Gentoo packaging system has and that I miss since
> I switched to Ubuntu.
> Now, is it possible to run aptitude tilling to remove those unneeded
> dependencies ? 
> I know it would trigger all since I never installed something with
> aptitude, so I'll start marking what I care as hand installed and the
> rest will be cleaned out.
> I've read parts of the man page, but I couldn't find any option to do
> that.
> Thanks.

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