UPDATE: Announcement from www.kubuntu.de

Alan McKinnon alan at linuxholdings.co.za
Wed Apr 12 10:41:35 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 12 April 2006 11:57, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Michael T. Richter wrote:
> > *ped·ant*
> > /n./
> >
> >    1. One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal
> > rules. 2. One who exhibits one's learning or scholarship
> > ostentatiously. 3. /_Obsolete._/ A schoolmaster.
> >
> > Just FYI.  ;)
> >
> :)  Yes, I'm pedant about a few things. Most notably "principal" vs
> "principle" and "then" vs "than". Not much else though.

So that means you aren't into the there/their/they're thing then?


If only you and dead people understand hex, 
how many people understand hex?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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