Making a notification bubble pop up.

Neil Woolford neil at
Tue Apr 11 22:32:42 UTC 2006

Alan McKinnon <alan <at>> writes:

> On Sunday 09 April 2006 17:14, Neil Woolford wrote:

> >
> > Thanks.  Works fine on my local machine;  any way of setting xhost
> > on the remote machine without having to talk my user through it on
> > the phone?  So far it does seem that the basic security in the
> > system stops me using xhost remotely (ie outside the x-session that
> > I want to be able to display on).
> ssh to the machine and run the xhost command after setting DISPLAY 
> (see the man page for why you can't 'xhost -display :0')

Thanks.  Still a little fiddly in that I've not managed to succeed in connecting
to anything other than the default :0 display (in the case of multiple x
sessions), and I do seem to need to log in (console via SSH) as the user I'm
trying to contact.  But, yes, I *can* now pop up a notification for a user on
the remote machine, which is what I need.


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