making deborphan obsolete?

Lutzer M.Lutzer at
Tue Apr 11 19:01:25 UTC 2006

My understanding of Ubuntu's philosophy is it should "just work". IMHO
the system should remain slim and clean even for a newbie who is not
aware of such a problem. Because most of the users use apt-get (it is
widely used in HOWTOs: "To get rid of problem X execute 'sudo apt-get
install Y' and do Z") or Synaptic/Aptitude the problem still remains.
Even Windows asks if an unused DLL should be removed when it's
application is removed.

Derek Broughton schrieb:
> Lutzer wrote:
>> If I use synaptic (or apt-get) to install an application A a required
>> library L is automatically installed as well. This is quite comfortable
>> and a well known feature.
>> I'm wondering why a similar feature does not exist for removing packages
>> (AFAIK). 
> It does.  It's called aptitude.  For the most part, a drop-in replacement
> for apt-get.

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