Gnome is a problem for OEMs

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Tue Apr 11 17:19:08 UTC 2006

Vincent Arnoux wrote:
> Hi,
> I think Sabayon ( might be a part 
> of the answer.

For the time being, Sabayon seems only useful for sysadmins, not OEMs. 
The problem is that you need to compile it, which means that you need to 
install the entire development environment (a lot of packages), compile 
it, do things with it, and then remove it. I still haven't managed to 
compile it. But even if I could, the time involved would make the per-PC 
cost shoot through the roof.

I'm working on the /etc/skel idea right now.

> On top of it, you could still try to set-up a desktop the 
> way you want every user to have it by default, back it up (tar zcvf 
> default_desktop.tgz /home/default_desktop/*) and when a new computer is 
> ready to be sold, uncompress the archive in the user's home directory.
> Am I misleading ?

The problem is that I don't know the user's home before hand. The way 
the Ubuntu OEM works is, the OEM (ie. me) sets up everything and sends 
the computer to the user. When the user first boots it, he is asked for 
a username and password.

It's actually a pretty good idea.

I'll try to get the /etc/skel idea to work.

    /\/_/   A life? Sounds great!
    \/_/    Do you know where I could download one?

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