system-wide gnome settings

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Tue Apr 11 16:46:52 UTC 2006

David Woyciesjes wrote:
>     I don't have a Linux system handy to check, but I seem to recall 
> there being a folder, under /etc I think, named skel. This would hold 
> the copies of config files that get used for new users. I would think 
> you could log in as a user, customize the menus and icons, and logout. 
> Then as an administrator, you could copy the tweaked config files from 
> that user's home folder to skel.
>     Apologies for the vagueness, I'm working from memory here...

Thanks for trying. /etc/skel is empty.

    /\/_/   A life? Sounds great!
    \/_/    Do you know where I could download one?

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