[Dapper] [vim] $VIMRUNTIME

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Mon Apr 10 14:31:21 UTC 2006

The $VIMRUNTIME environment variable in vim got messed up
recently. It used to point to
/usr/share/vim/vim[versionNumber], where versionNumber = 63,
64, etc. Recently Debian switched things around so that now
we have /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent, which is a symlink to
/usr/share/vim/vim65. Presumably $VIMRUNTIME should always
point to /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent. Under Ubuntu, it
doesn't; Ubuntu's $VIMRUNTIME points to /usr/share/vim .

The upshot of this is that lines in my ~/.vimrc which look
like so

source $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/man.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/syntax.vim

don't work anymore.

I don't see a bug in Malone for this. Has anyone else
noticed this?

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at laniels.org
Cell: +(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key
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