Announcement from

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Mon Apr 10 12:52:00 UTC 2006

On Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:26:02 +0100
Daniel Carrera <daniel.carrera at> wrote:

> Michael T. Richter wrote:
> > Learn to read.
> I'm a good reader, thank you. There is no need for personal attacks. An 
> ad hominem does not make your argument stronger.
> A legal strike, or a cop saying "put the gun down and release the 
> hostages" do not constitute extortion because they are not an illegal 
> attempt to gain power or money. And trying to split hairs and water down 
> the definition of extortion is pointless. Extortion is not "pressure".

"Gentlemen, gentlemen please, no fighting - think of the furniture!"

*cough* this really *is* a case for saying "Please continue this on
Sounder or off-list"

(If this was an IRC channel I would have +q ed both of you by now )

Peter ( grinning, ;-) but kind of serious )


Linux User #343161 

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