OT: USENET and cryptography (was: "annoying" inline gpg signatures)

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter at gmail.com
Sun Apr 9 00:52:46 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-08-04 at 16:43 -0500, Kenneth P. Turvey wrote:

> Unfortunately, getting this all to work and be adopted would be nearly
> impossible due to the resistance of current USENET users.  

There's people still using USENET?  Why?

> We can dream.  :-)

Or, in the case of USENET, have nightmares.  ;)

Michael T. Richter
Email: ttmrichter at gmail.com, mtr1966 at hotpop.com
MSN: ttmrichter at hotmail.com, mtr1966 at hotmail.com; YIM:
michael_richter_1966; AIM: YanJiahua1966; ICQ: 241960658; Jabber:
mtr1966 at jabber.cn

"[Blacks] ... are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body
and mind." --Thomas Jefferson
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