Other Distros (NOT A FLAMEWAR TOPIC!!)

Alan McKinnon alan at linuxholdings.co.za
Sat Apr 8 20:33:22 UTC 2006

On Saturday 08 April 2006 20:35, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Chanchao wrote:
> > Slackware: Evil trash for sadomasochist geeks
> I remember the joys of configuring the inode density of my disk
> (who the hell needs to configure that?!).

Anyone using ext2/ext3?

That's the main reason I use ReiserFS. The other reason is not having 
to suffer through fsck every x mounts

> > Sun (not Linux, but hey): 'ZAPP!!' your 2 page email evaporates
> > before your eyes in less than a millisecond. GUI tools are a
> > joke.
> I used CDE for 3 years and I can say that it's a heap of crap. :) I
> compiled XFCE on Solaris (which was painful!) just to get a usable
> GUI.

Ah, CDE. I remember it well. I have a Solaris 10 around here somewhere 
with it on. Using it is ... interesting. And Motif - cute in an 
ugly-duckling, retro kind of way. At least Sun support Gnome these 

> > None of this is a flame, obviously, just objective personal
> > experience. :)  And uBuNtU rUlezzz :)
> I'd love to hear comments for Linspire and SUSE :)

Linspire. Ugh. If I want a desktop to look like Windows, I'd install 

SuSE is nice for power users who like a bazillion GUI controls to 
fiddle with. The benefit to SuSE is that you get YAST, the 
disadvantage to SUSE is also that you get YAST. I never could 
remember to run SuseConfig after every manual change. I did 
especially like 9.3 with Acrobat, Real and a ton of other useful but 
non-free stuff bundled by default.

Like Chanchao I find Mandrake/Mandriva to be pretty and fluffy. It 
does make a good distro for training on though.

If you need an LSTP/thin-client set up to use in a school, then 
OpenLab is really really good. 

RH and Fedora get the job done but I always found them to look bland 
and uninteresting.

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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