Firefox Windows VS Firefox Ubuntu

Bjørn Ingmar Berg bjorn.ingmar.berg at
Sat Apr 8 12:07:45 UTC 2006

On 08/04/06, Luca Manganelli <luca76 at> wrote:
> Have you noticed that Firefox running under Ubuntu is MUCH slower than
> Windows on same machine?

Honestly no.  Not at all.  I use the default setup of Firefox both in MS windows
and Ubuntu.  I would have thought I'd experience the problem if it was a general
or common one, as my dual-boot computer is bordering on being vintage.
( P3 800 Mhz, 512 Mbyte RAM )

So I guess it's still true:  YMMW.

Bjørn Ingmar Berg


Das Internet is nicht fuer gefingerclicken und giffengrabben.
Ist easy droppenpacket der routers und overloaden der backbone
mit der spammen und der me-tooen. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei
das dumpkopfen! Das mausklicken sichtseeren keepen das bandwit-spewin
hans in das pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das cursorblinken.

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